Data Warehouse Automation Platform Updates
Product updates for the LeapFrogBI Data Warehouse Automation (DWA) platform.

New Component – Execute Process
Need to execute a batch file? Visual Basic Script? EXE? You are in luck. Use

LeapFrogBI DWA Supports SQL Server 2017
Simple as that. LeapFrogBI Data Warehouse Automation now supports SQL Server 2017. Existing clients can

Precedence Field “JobNotify” Legend
The field [dbo].[Precedence].[JobNotify] in the LeapFrogBI console database is used by the poll job to

Calculate Workbook
When using several of the LeapFrogBI component types, configuration information is stored in Excel. This

New Feature – Precedence Graphs
Users can now view a visual representation of functional constraints via the Precedence Graph option.

Easy Access To Recent History
At times it is useful to retrace your navigation steps within a project. Now you

New Expression Type – LTrim(RTrim(…))
Trim both sides of a string in one step using the new Left Trim &

More New Features – Custom Connection Attributes & Faster Build Access
Custom Connection Attributes This new feature adds a connection attributes dialog to connection string definitions enabling

New Expression Type – Custom Script
Have you ever wanted to just type some t-sql instead of using the fully validated