Healthcare Reporting and Analytics

Harness the power of data-driven insights in healthcare for informed decision-making with a dedicated managed analytics team that reduces operational costs and improves system efficiency.​

Unlocking Healthcare Insights

At LeapFrogBI, we understand the unique challenges faced by the healthcare industry.

Fast consolidation, tighter margins, and regulatory pressure force healthcare organizations to take action and become more efficient.

We tailor our business intelligence solutions to empower your organization with actionable insights, enabling you to focus on providing exceptional care.

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Where Does It Hurt? We Can Help With That.

Healthcare Billing and Claims

Our approach to healthcare revenue cycle management involves data-driven strategies, optimizing billing, and increasing revenue. We excel at pinpointing the cause of lost revenue such as claim denials and charge lag, improving the financial health of the organization.

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Healthcare Billing and Claims

Customized Healthcare Data Integration Solution

Our customized healthcare data integration solutions are built to seamlessly merge disparate data sources, such as EHRs, practice management, and billing systems into one unified view of your data.


Customized Healthcare Data Integration Solution

Medical Inventory and Supply Management

Medical supplies are a key cost component in healthcare. Understanding vendor performance, and consumption patterns is critical in identifying cost-saving opportunities and improving operational efficiency.

Medical Inventory and Supply Management

Executive Dashboards in Healthcare

Executive dashboards in healthcare offer concise, at-a-glance insights into key performance indicators and critical metrics, enabling healthcare leaders to make informed decisions swiftly.

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Executive Dashboards in Healthcare

Healthcare Practitioner's Productivity

Identifying and measuring healthcare practitioners’ work patterns helps managers predict financial performance and set realistic goals for providers and offices. Such reports display growth metrics, provider results, regional trends, and create a foundation for stability.

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Healthcare Practitioner's Productivity

Scheduling Optimization

Scheduling reports in healthcare provide essential insights into appointment bookings, resource allocation, and patient flow, helping healthcare facilities optimize their daily operations.

Scheduling Optimization

Seamless Data
Integration Across Leading Healthcare Platforms

We integrate data sources from any healthcare platform building a unified and comprehensive data environment. This integration empowers healthcare organizations to harness the full potential of their data for informed decision-making and improved patient care.

“Our investment in LeapFrogBI quickly returned a profit by giving MedEx visibility into nearly $1M in annual billing opportunities that were being lost due to incomplete claims data- a problem we’re now able to monitor and manage on a daily basis.”


Healthcare Reporting Examples

Whether you require financial performance analysis, operational efficiency insights, or other specific metrics, we provide flexibility and versatility. Here are a few examples of our interactive dashboards:

Trusted by the Best in their Industries

At  , our clients typically see

10x ROI within 6 months.

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