Data Warehouse Automation Platform Updates
Product updates for the LeapFrogBI Data Warehouse Automation (DWA) platform.

ODBC Data Collection Made Easy
LeapFrogBI makes collecting data from an ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) data sources a simple process.

Collect Data via ODBC
LeapFrogBI makes collecting data from an ODBC Data Source a simple process. Profile your source

Profile Multi-Set Select Statements
At times we need to select from two or more sources and stage the selected

Introducing Pattern Based Development
Building a data mart often follows the 80/20 rule. 80% of development follows a standard

Working With Excel Source Data
It is less than ideal, but at time we need to collect data that is

Dynamic Date Dimensions
Nearly all data warehouses include at least one date dimension. LeapFrogBI makes generating this important

Why all the Fuss about Metadata Driven ETL?
Building anything from houses to software applications requires that we make decisions about how to

Automated Notifications
LeapFrogBI projects include the option to enable automated notifications per lifecycle based on load process events; start,